SCWEA Award of Excellence
Every year the Award of Excellence is presented to the SCWEA member who has made the most outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of Career and Work Education in Saskatchewan.

We would like to take a few moments to remember a SCWEA member, an educator and a friend.
Clarence Neault was a Career Guidance Coordinator with the Athabasca Denesuline Education Authority from the Prince Albert area. Unfortunately, his life ended way too soon, just last month actually. Clarence passed away on April 9, 2023. It was unexpected.
Those that knew Clarence could see that his true calling was working in the education field. He made multiple contributions to career development within the province and approached every task with fortitude and enthusiasm.
Clarence has contributed to the goals of our association and has taken on many active roles such as creating SCWEA newsletters, organizing conference sessions, sharing his voice on topics of importance to our mandates, connecting his northern colleagues to related opportunities, and supporting our special project initiatives. Over and above all of this, his kind heart and caring nature have enriched our time together. Clarence’s passion for career development was contagious. He was such an incredible advocate for building partnerships in support of student learning and has always had a special place in his heart for his northern students, colleagues, and friends. We here at SCWEA, are so grateful to have had the opportunity to collaborate with him. He will be sadly missed.
It is with great respect that the SCWEA Executive has nominated Clarence for the “SCWEA AWARD OF EXCELLENCE”. The Award of Excellence is presented to the SCWEA member who has made the most outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of Career and Work Education in Saskatchewan. His unwavering dedication to this organization, to his students and to his job, makes him the ideal candidate and a well-deserving recipient of this award.

Gerry Guillet accepted Clarence’s award on behalf of Clarence’s brother and his wife. Gerry has known Clarence for over 50 years and considers him his best friend. He is thankful for the recognition of Clarence and for his accomplishments and efforts with our organization, as well as us recognizing Clarence for his unique and personal qualities and characteristics. We are happy to be able to meet you and share a little bit of Clarence’s passion, this conference, with you.
Friends of SCWEA Award
The Friends of SCWEA Award is presented to non-educators who assist in the development and promotion of Career and Work Education in Saskatchewan.
The Canadian Mental Health Association has 330 community locations across the nation, and 10 main offices in Saskatchewan. They run a variety of programs that meet needs of the communities they serve. They offer programs for every age and every point on a person’s journey.
We have been able to integrate their education programs into our CWEX and career ed courses, to provide students with the skills and information they need to recognize, participate in and advocate for healthy and safe workplaces.
They provide programs through the Sask Hope Learning Centre that are designed to help smooth life transitions, such as Adulting 101, Building Better Boundaries, and Challenging Procrastination that can support families across Saskatchewan. They provide a bridge between the school system supports and the medical system supports that help people navigate their life transitions.
The Friends of SCWEA award recognizes non-educators who assist in the development and promotion and development of Career and Work Education.
We are honoured to have Carmen Ledding here to share some of their information and represent their organization at our conference. We are honoured to present the Friends of SCWEA award to the CMHA in recognition of their mission and support
SCWEA Recognition of Service Award
The SCWEA Recognition of Service Award is presented to a member who has made recent and present contributions in support of Career and Work Education in our province.